5 Difficult Things About ENGINEERING


If you’re thinking of becoming an engineer, there are a few things that you might not know. These people are known for their need for challenge and enjoy solving problems. Whenever they run into a problem, they prefer to solve it themselves rather than call a professional. They will research the problem online, often taking months before they find a solution. Additionally, engineers are notorious for being terrible spellers.

Table of Contents

Lesson 7

Engineering is more than just a career – it is a passion for understanding the way things work. You will be designing and building machines and engines, and maintaining structures and the environment. In fact, engineers design almost everything we see in the world. If you want to learn more about what an engineer does, take a look at this Crash Course Kids video.

Lesson 8

As an engineer, you will have many tough battles to fight. However, you need to focus on the important ones. Even if one of your sub-components is imperfect, it shouldn’t mean the end of the world. The problem is not permanent, and it can be fixed later.

Lesson 9

One of the most important aspects of a successful engineering career is how to communicate effectively with others. This means knowing how to give constructive feedback without being personally offensive. It is also essential to know how to show respect. You are likely to interact with support staff in your career, and this will require the right attitude.

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