6 steps to use Azure DevOps | 5 services provided

Azure DevOps

What is DevOps for Azure? Azure DevOps is an environment and platform for software development and operation. Azure DevOps provides several services, including project status and process management, system and source code management, build automation, web application testing, and code sharing. Utilizing Azure DevOps will streamline your development and operational processes. Define DevOps. DevOps is … Read more

5 main features of Azure Active Directory | Introducing benefits

Azure Active Directory

How does Azure Active Directory work? Microsoft’s Azure Active Directory is a cloud-based solution. Using a cloud-based authentication solution enables the collaborative management of cloud-based applications. By enrolling with Azure Active Directory, single sign-on may be accessed simply by logging in to Azure Active Directory. What are the four differences between Active Directory and Azure … Read more

What is the difference between Azure and AWS | Three advantages of each!


What is the difference between Azure and Amazon Web Services? What are the features of Azure and AWS, two cloud services that were born in the cloud? I will discuss the industries and services in which Azure and AWS are deployed. The cloud service is a handy environment that may be accessed without downloading with … Read more

6 steps to get a domain using AWS | Explain what you can do with AWS


What is Amazon Web Services Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud service offered by Amazon, via which Internet-based IT services can be accessed. Additionally, since it is feasible to obtain a domain, anyone may distribute content with relative ease. This time, I’ll explain how to acquire a domain using AWS and what you can … Read more

What is the difference between AWS and on-premises? Advantages, disadvantages, and three collaborative services


What is Amazon Web Services? AWS is an umbrella name for Amazon’s online services. AWS emerged when Amazon made its infrastructure and apps for inventory management and data analysis of its products accessible to the general public. Using cloud computing, we lease storage, databases, and servers, among other things. Because it is built on Amazon’s … Read more

4 benefits of AWS snapshots! Also explains how to create and restore

aws snapshot

Using AWS snapshots has the benefit of being safe even if it is afflicted with a virus. AWS snapshots can transfer data across several “AWS Regions.” Infrastructure buildings need photographs. If data is lost due to human mistakes, program errors, virus infections, etc., data backup is a crucial responsibility. However, the service must be interrupted … Read more